Journal of Pulmonary Fibrosis Case Reports publishes case reports in Pulmonary Fibrosis, images in Pulmonary Fibrosis, imaging in Pulmonary Fibrosis journal etc. Acute exacerbation was the foremost frequent cause (55.2%), followed by infection. The 1- and 3-yr incidences of acute exacerbation were 14.2 and 20.7%, respectively. Never having smoked and low forced capacity (FVC) were significant risk factors. The in-hospital deathrate was 50.0%, and therefore the 1- and 5-yr survival rates from the initial diagnosis were 56.2 and 18.4%, respectively. Never having smoked and low FVC were risk factors. Acute exacerbation had a significant impact on the general survival of the patients with IPF. Pulmonary fibrosis (literally “scarring of the lungs”) may be a respiratory illness during which scars are formed within the lung tissues, resulting in serious breathing problems. It might be caused by inhaling wood or metal dust at work or home, Having acid reflux disease or smoking cigarettes. There are many sorts of pulmonary fibrosis i.e., idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), Sarcoidosis etc. Pulmonology is a medical sub specialty that deals with lungs, bronchial tubes and upper respiratory tract, including nose, pharynx, throat and the heart. Basic research in pulmonology is aimed at better understanding of the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases in order to enhance early diagnosis and improvement treatment modalities of these disorders. Pulmonary fibrosis may be a lung disease that happens when lung tissue becomes damaged and scarred.
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