Case Reports in Clinical Cardiology Journal is a peer reviewed high impact factor open access online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality articles featuring cardiovascular images, cardiology case reports, case series, research, reviews and cardiovascular videos to publish.
Benefits of Open Access Cardiology Journal
Free online papers are likely to reach more readers and therefore attract more citations. Open access, or unrestricted availability has a bold yet altruistic charm when applied to academic research and scholarly output. Open access journals create an environment for near-ideal dissemination of knowledge.
High Impact Factor Journal - Cardiovascular Case Reports
The high impact factor Case Reports in Clinical Cardiology Journal aims to publish most reliable and original information on the discoveries and current developments in the fields of medical science, and many such related fields thus providing a better understanding about the diverse medical systems.
Manuscript Submission
Cardiology journal accepts case reports submission for publication by using online manuscript submission portal:
(or) Send an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office E-mail Id: