Case Report of Coronary Artery Disease Journal publishes surgery in Coronary Artery Diseases journal, images in Coronary Artery Disease, journal of Coronary Artery Disease case reports, Coronary Artery journal etc. Case Reports of Coronary Artery Diseases Journal is peer reviewed worldwide reputed medical cardiology journal. Case report of coronary artery disease journal is Welcomes Submissions from around the world related to coronary artery diseases like Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, Heart stroke, Vascular Biology, Heart attack, Heart failure, Arrhythmia and Electrocardiography, etc. In the form of Case Report, Clinical Images, Clinical Studies, Clinical and Experimental Studies, Cardiovascular Medicine Research, Case Series, Original Research Articles and Review Articles focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery diseases.
Journal Scope & Keywords: Case report in coronary artery disease, clinical image of coronary artery disease, clinical images of artery disease, case report of coronary artery, clinical studies of coronary artery disease, research article in coronary artery disease, clinical research of coronary artery disease, review articles in coronary artery disease, case report of heart stroke, clinical image of heart attack, case report in heart attack, case report in heart failure, arrhythmia case report.
Case Report of Coronary Artery Disease Journal is an Editorial Tracking Based System for quality in review process for accepting original research and review articles from across the world. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of case report of coronary artery disease journal or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can manage the whole Submission, Review, Peer review, Revise, Publish process.
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Arteriosclerosis Case Reports Journal
The build-up of fats, cholesterol and other substances in the walls of arteries, causing thickening or hardening of the arteries. It obstruction of blood flow. Plaques may rupture, causing acute occlusion of the artery by clot. Main cause of arteriosclerosis is caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery a healthy diet and exercise can help. Treatments include medication, procedures to open blocked arteries and surgery.
Thrombosis Case Reports Journal
Thrombosis occurs when blood condition where one or more clots form inside of your blood vessels. Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot, known as a thrombus, within a blood vessel. It prevents blood from flowing normally through the circulatory system. There are two components to a thrombus: aggregated platelets and red blood cells that form a plug, and a mesh of cross-linked fibrin protein. The substance making up a thrombus is sometimes called cruor.
Blood clotting, also known as coagulation, is the body’s first line of defense against bleeding. When we hurt ourselves, our clotting system forms a “plug” or “seal” to protect us from losing too much blood.
Heart stroke Journal
Heart stroke happens when blood stops flowing to any part of your brain, damaging brain cells. The effects of your stroke depend on the type of stroke, the part of the brain that was damaged and the amount of damage.
Ischemic stroke: Ischemic stroke caused by a blockage or clot in a blood vessel in your brain. The blockage can be caused when a substance called plaque builds up on the inside wall of an artery.
Hemorrhagic strokes: It occur when a blood vessel in the brain breaks or ruptures. The result is blood seeping into the brain tissue, causing damage to brain cells. The most common causes of hemorrhagic stroke are high blood pressure and brain aneurysms. An aneurysm is a weakness or thinness in the blood vessel wall.
Vascular Biology Journal
The vascular biology system involves the heart and blood vessels. The blood vessels include arteries, which are tubes that transport blood from your heart to the rest of your body, and veins, which return the blood to your heart. Vascular disease or vascular biology includes any condition that affects your circulatory system, or system of blood vessels. This ranges from diseases of your arteries, veins and lymph vessels to blood disorders that affect circulation. Blood vessels are elastic-like tubes that carry blood to every part of your body.
Heart attack Journal
A heart attack is a medical emergency. A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. Without blood, tissue loses oxygen and dies. A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is severely reduced or blocked. A blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle is usually due to a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances in the heart (coronary) arteries. A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, happens when a part of the heart muscle doesn’t get enough blood. The more time that passes without treatment to restore blood flow, the greater the damage to the heart muscle. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the main cause of heart attack. A less common cause is a severe spasm, or sudden contraction, of a coronary artery that can stop blood flow to the heart muscle. Symptoms include tightness or pain in the chest, neck, back or arms, as well as fatigue, lightheadedness, abnormal heartbeat and anxiety. Women are more likely to have atypical symptoms than men. Treatment ranges from lifestyle changes and cardiac rehabilitation to medication, stents and bypass surgery.
Arrhythmia Journal
Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat or improper beating of the heart, whether irregular, too fast or too slow. Cardiac arrhythmia occurs when electrical impulses in the heart don't work properly. Heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) occur when the electrical signals that coordinate the heart's beats don't work properly. The faulty signaling causes the heart to beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia) or irregularly. Symptoms may include a fluttering in the chest, chest pain, fainting or dizziness. If required, treatment includes anti-arrhythmic drugs, medical procedures, implantable devices and surgery.
Electrocardiography Journal
Electrocardiography is the process of producing an electrocardiogram, a recording of the heart's electrical activity. It is an electrogram of the heart which is a graph of voltage versus time of the electrical activity of the heart using electrodes placed on the skin. An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in the heart. It's a common and painless test used to quickly detect heart problems and monitor the heart's health. An electrocardiogram is also called ECG or EKG is often done in a health care provider's office, a clinic or a hospital room. ECG machines are standard equipment in operating rooms and ambulances. Some personal devices, such as smartwatches, offer ECG monitoring. Ask your health care provider if this is an option for you. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the simplest and fastest tests used to evaluate the heart. Electrocardiography (ECG) is a quick, simple, painless procedure in which the heart’s electrical impulses are amplified and recorded. This record, the electrocardiogram (also known as an ECG), provides information about the Part of the heart that triggers each heartbeat (the pacemaker, called the sinoatrial or sinus node) Nerve conduction pathways of the heart Rate and rhythm of the heart. Sometimes the ECG can show that the heart is enlarged (usually due to high blood pressure) or that the heart is not receiving enough oxygen due to a blockage in one of the blood vessels that supply the heart (the coronary arteries). Electrocardiogram usually, an ECG is obtained if a heart disorder is suspected. It is sometimes also obtained as part of a routine physical examination for middle-aged and older people, even if they have no evidence of a heart disorder. It can be used as a basis of comparison with later ECGs if a heart disorder develops.