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Case Report
Volume 2, Issue 2

Tapering by any Means

Réza Dadkhah1* and Claudiu Ungureanu2

1Division of Cardiology, Tivoli University Hospital, La Louviere, Belgium

2Department of Cardiology, Centre hospitalier Jolimont, La Louviere, Belgium

*Corresponding author: Réza Dadkhah, Division of Cardiology, Tivoli University Hospital, Max Buset Avenue 34, 7100 La Louviere, Belgium.

Received: October 17, 2022; Accepted: October 26, 2022; Published: November 10, 2022

Citation: Dadkhah R, Ungureanu C. Tapering by any Means! Case Rep Clin Cardiol J. 2022; 2(2): 118.

Tapering by any Means

The management of peripheral accesses becomes more and more crucial in coronary procedures interventions that need large-bore guiding catheters and many tools are now available to help increasing the success of the delivering materials through complex anatomies. The radial approach reduces vascular complications but leads to some limitations in the size of the catheters. The sheathless technique with the Railway (Cordis) was developed in the transradial access in order to reduce this size limitation, with the development of a specific dilator that can easily navigate through tortuous vessels. We report a case where this specific Railway dilator was used not in a transradial access but in a transfemoral access, allowing the positioning of an Arrow-Flex Sheath introducer. We describe the technical challenge encountered in the management of a difficult femoral access needing specific tools to be adapted to various situations. Our option brings together techniques and materials combined with newer tools and access that open up many more possibilities.