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Case Report
Volume 4, Issue 2

Lyme Carditis AVB III° Resolved Under Antibiotic Treatment

Raban Jeger1, Maja Tschumper2, Andreas Muller1 and Annina Stauber1*

1Department of Cardiology, Triemli City Hospital, Zurich
2Departement of General Internal Medicine, Triemli City Hospital, Zurich

*Corresponding author: Annina Stauber, Department of Cardiology, Triemli City Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland.

Citation: Jeger R, Tschumper M, Muller A, Stauber A. Lyme Carditis AVB III° Resolved Under Antibiotic Treatment. Case Rep Clin Cardiol J. 2023; 3(4): 138.

Lyme Carditis AVB III° Resolved Under Antibiotic Treatment

Introduction: Most patients with AV Block III° require a permanent pacemaker. Rarely, AVB III° is reversible.
Case Report: We report the case of a 67-years-old patient with AVB III° and positive borellia serology. He was treated with a third-generation cephalosporin. There was a resolution of AV Block III° to AV Block I°.
Conclusion: Lyme carditis is rare. However, it is a reversible cause of AV Block and should be considered in case of a specific patient history to avoid unnecessary pacemaker implantation.

Keywords: Lyme carditis; AV block III°; Reversible AV block